Monthly devlog: December

Hello again!

This month's devlog is a little bit later than usual, and sadly it won't be any different than last month's: I'm basically posting this to let you know we are all still alive and working on the game. Turns out, I really have been working less on the game this past couple of months. I haven't even been able to stream at all. I still believe I just haven't had as much time as I did before, but it could be me just being lazy, who knows. We are currently in the busiest time of the year too, so I don't expect I'll be able to get much done this month either. I would love to be wrong though.

So I'll leave it at that. Have a nice month and a happy new year!

If you are interested in our social media:

Blackphilip (makes the music)

- Carlos Rodas (Rourrodas) (makes the graphics)

- My Twitch channel, where I stream myself developing the game almost every Monday and Wednesday when I have time to never at all, apparently

Get Dun-dun

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