A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

(You can browse the game's code here)

2D bullet-hell style game.

Currently only a single boss is available to play, with three different difficulties to choose from. 

Gameplay consists in dodging the boss' attacks and collecting crystals to damage it. The more you wait before you collect a crystal, the more damage it will do, but be carefull! if you wait too much it'll break and disappear.

Will you be able to defeat Ongard or will you perish in the darkness?


MovingW, A, S, D
Left joystick
WalkingShiftA (Xbox) / X (Playstation)

Note: Keyboard controls can be rebinded. Controller rebinding is currently not supported

Regarding the downloads

Any version other than the one marked as stable is considered to be in testing and not ready for production. It contains additional features not present in the stable version but may also have obvious bugs like missing or unfinished animations or music or unbalanced and unfun gameplay, among others. It is not the recommended download unless you want to test those new features out. If you do, feedback is always welcomed and appreciated (feedback on the stable version is also welcome and appreciated by the way).


dundun_windows_0.3.0b.zip 298 MB
dundun_osx_0.3.0b.zip 311 MB
dundun_linux32_0.3.0b.zip 299 MB
dundun_linux_0.3.0b.zip 299 MB
dundun_android_0.3.0b.apk 296 MB
dundun_windows_stable_0.2.0.zip 147 MB
dundun_linux_stable_0.2.0.zip 148 MB
dundun_osx_stable_0.2.0.zip 161 MB
dundun_android_stable_0.2.0.apk 145 MB

Install instructions

To run on MAC: download the zip, extract it and execute:

cd Downloads (this is the default folder the file will save to. If you chose another one, change "Downloads" for the name of the folder you saved the downloaded file to)

xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine Dun-dun.app

All other versions should work without further tweaking

Development log

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