Monthly devlog: August

Hello again!

It's been around a month since Dun-dun launched it first public alpha and as promised, I'm back to write a new devlog to keep you updated on how development is going. The thing is, sadly there isn't really much to update you on.

Most of the things I've working on this past 31 days have been more of the maintenance-type stuff, rather than the more interesting new-and-exciting-features-type stuff. That is, I've been just fixing bugs and updating the framework of the game in preparation of the eventual development of those new and exciting features. If you are still interested in hearing about it, the rest of this post will give you a brief explanation of what I've done this month. If you aren't, then you can safely close this log now, as there isn't much more for me to write about other than that.

Things I've worked on:

- The HUD now works even before you enter the boss arena: this fixes a stupidly moronic bug on my part which made the Android version literally unplayable, as the on-screen joystick didn't appear on the intro sequence and made it so you weren't able to move your character at all. This could have been prevented by just attempting to test the Android version, which I obviously forgot to do and that's why it's not currently available to download. That being said, I haven't tested this change either yet, so I haven't actually learned my lesson.

- Removing the difficulty selection: now you choose your difficulty by fighting the boss (which would be the old normal difficulty, and then a rematch which would be the old hard difficulty) or not (which would be the old hardest difficulty). The rematch option is not yet implemented though.

- Improving the map: by that I mean how the map object in the game editor is created, not changing the actual layout of the dungeon or anything like that. This was necessary in order for me to implement more than one boss, as the game currently only supported one arena to fight on and only one boss would be able to spawn.

- Removing old, unused code: this is pretty self explanatory. For a little bit of trivia, the game used to have an actual map screen like you see in games like Super Meat Boy where you would choose a level and fight that level's boss, before we switched to the "explore the dungeon" design, which is what caused the need to do the point above. So I had to delete every map screen related asset and rework its code into the other classes I want to actually keep around for now.

And I think that's pretty much it. Just for transparency, I will say I'm not working on this all the hours I could realistically do. This month, I've worked on this project for more or less 2 hours a day, 2 to 3 days a week, so around 4 to 6 hours of work per week, and I'll fully admit on some days I've chosen to play games or go out with my friends instead of keeping at it. I'm telling you this so you don't expect meaningful updates to come in a reasonable amount of time. I'm not in a hurry to finish this game.

With that said, I'm just gonna leave it at this. Have a great day, and I'll hopefully see you again in a month!

If you are interested in our social media:

Blackphilip (makes the music)

- Carlos Rodas (Rourrodas) (makes the graphics)

- My Twitch channel, where I stream myself developing the game on Mondays and Wednesdays at least

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